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XenForo Platform Scripts Features
Site structure
Create a tree of categories and forums within which your visitors can discuss relevant topics. Set permissions and controls depending on the area of the site in which discussions are located.
Powerful content authoring tools
In addition to a friendly what-you-see-is-what-you-get text editor, XenForo allows file attachments to be dragged into place, images to be precisely edited and located, links to be unfurled for a useful preview, and media to be embedded.
Custom reactions
The ability to ‘like’ content has become ubiquitous, so XenForo goes further with the ability to define a complete range of reactions, weighted with a positive or negative reaction score, so you can get a handle of the best quality content on your site.
Watched content
Users may ‘watch’ discussions or entire forums and opt to receive email or on-site notifications when discussions receive additional responses.
Bookmarks allow content to be marked for easy retrieval later.
Staff utilities
XenForo provides extensive moderation tools to allow a team of staff to deal with problematic content whenever it arises, including on-page editing tools, a content publishing queue, a central reporting interface and the ability to send automated warnings to troublemakers.
Group conversations
In addition to simple user-to-user messaging, XenForo conversation support direct messaging between groups of users, allowing for rich interaction and teamwork.
Invite more users to chat
The XenForo conversation system allows participants to invite additional users to the discussion, with or without visibility of the entirety of the discussion up to the point at which they join.
Opt-out whenever
Recipients of conversation messages may leave discussions at any time or mute notifications.
Star conversations
Individual conversations can be ‘starred’, allowing the list of conversations to be filtered down to show only starred items for easy recovery of important discussions.
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