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ProDoubler is a PHP/MySQL system based on Laravel Framework, one of the most popular on the market, designed for the creation of short-term investment sites. Like affiliate sites, with ProDoubler users we have the option to make investments with minimum values and a profit percentage, set by the site administrator, to publish a period of time.
ProDoubler is ideal for people who have a good knowledge of online investments and need a system where others can help by providing more capital that can be invested by the administrator and consequently turning that investment into a profit that will be distributed among all investors (administrator and users), making everyone have a good return on investment.
Site Features
Multi Template
User registration with data validation
Password recovery
Login/Register with coin, wallet and password
F.A.Q.s page
Contact page
Account page with deposit/withdrawal statistics and deposit form
Deposits History
Withdrawals History
Commissions History
Referral Tools with referrals list and link hits
Edit Profile page
Latest Transactions page
TOS and Privacy Policy pages
GDPR banner
Administration Features
Homepage with important information blocks
Coins => List, Create, Edit, Delete
Deposits => List, Search, Edit, Delete
Withdraws => List, Search, Edit, Delete
Withdraw Requests => List, Search, Edit, Pay
Users => List, Search, Delete, Edit, Impersonate
Admins => List, Search, Create, Edit, Delete, Impersonate
Roles => List, Create, Edit, Delete
Permissions => List, Create, Edit, Delete
Contact Messages => List, Edit, reply, delete
Pages => List, Edit, Delete, Create
Faqs => List, Edit, Delete, Create
Testimonials => List, Edit, Delete, Create
Payment Gateways => List, Edit
Error Logs => List, View, Delete
Settings => Edit site settings
Dark-Light Mode
Other features
Payment method built-in: Payeer and Perfect Money with automatic deposits (IPN) and manual or automatic payments
Only for Fiat Currencies(usd, eur, rub, etc), not Cryptocurrencies(btc, doge, trx, etc)
98% open source
Installation Wizard
Server Type: Linux
PHP version: 7.3 or higher
MySQL version: 5.7.14 or higher
PHP Extensions: PHP OpenSSL, PDO, Mbstring, Tokenizer, XML, CURL, Ctype, JSON, IonCube
Apache Extensions: Mod-Rewrite
Other requirements: CronJobs