ServiceTop - Professional Service Selling Marketplace

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 ServiceTop is a professional service selling marketplace where service providers and users/customers can create free account. Service providers can add their services for free and users/customers can hire them. Admin will earn through commisions from service providers when they will be hired by customers for a particular service.



Key Features:

Laravel 8 is used as language

Bootstrap 4.5 is used in design

User friendly codes and easy to navigate

Eye-catching design

Strong security of codes

Search by expert name and category in the home page

Service Provider makes their own service under some category

Easily navigate bookings and payments for user

Messaging between user and service provider

Service provider withdraw system

Admin Features:

SEO Settings for all pages

Payment setting for PayPal, Stripe and Bank

Email template setting

Facebook or manual comment setup option for blog

Cookie Consent option

Google Recaptcha option

Google Analytic option

Preloader on/off option

Tawk Live Chat option

Theme color change option

Admin login page photo change option

Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation

Booking view and delete by admin

Provider list view

User list view

Booking view and details

Custom dynamic pages create, edit and delete option

Manage all frontend section data dynamically

Language change option for front end

Home page sections manage with on/off option

Subscriber manage with email to subscribers option

Profile information, photo, password change option

Forget and reset password option

Provider Features

Login, forget and reset password option

Profile information, photo, password change option

Create Service , edit and delete

Create schedule for service

Can approve or reject user booking

Messaging system with service booking user

Withdaraw system

All transaction details

User Features:

Login, forget and reset password option

Profile information, photo, password change option

User can book service

User can write review

Messaging system with service provider

User can pay service bill by paypal, stripe or bank

User can mark as complete service after service provided by service provider

User have transactions logs


PHP >= 7.3

BCMath PHP Extension

Ctype PHP Extension

Fileinfo PHP extension

JSON PHP Extension

Mbstring PHP Extension

OpenSSL PHP Extension

PDO PHP Extension

Tokenizer PHP Extension

XML PHP Extension



Front End: Click Here

Admin Panel: Click Here

Admin Panel Login: | 123

Provider Panel: Click Here

Provider Panel Login: | 123

User Panel: Click Here

User Panel Login: | 123


Note: Data will not saved in demo version.

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