LaraClassifier - Classified Ads

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 Customizable Classified Website


Classified - Multi Countries Support

 Classified - Multi Skins 

Responsive Classified Ads Website


Classified - Multi Languages

 Classified - Multi Countries Classified - Admin Panel LaraClassifier Features


Custom Fields (Create your own Classified Ads, Auto Deals Classified, Real Estate Classified, Directory Listings or Jobs Portal websites)

Based on a REST API (RESTful API)

Clean and Modern Design

Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel)

Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3

Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS

Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database)

Multi Currencies

Support for RTL direction

Multiple Languages Available

Unlimited Colors

Homepage Customization (Change and Order the Home Sections from the Admin panel)

Users, Roles and Permissions System (ACL) integrated in the Admin panel

PayPal Integrated

Google Adsense integrated

Google Maps integrated

Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration

Facebook comment integrated

ReCaptcha integrated

Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option

Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option

Allow guests to post an ad without being logged

Email Notifications (Using local SMTP or Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, or Sparkpost API)

SMS Notifications (Using Twilio or Nexmo API)

Resend Mail or SMS verification feature (Get more users with valid email or phone number)

Messaging System between Sellers & Buyers integrated (NOTE: Only Buyers can start the conversation)

CMS for Static pages (Create pages like: About Us, FAQ, Terms & Privacy, etc.)

Contact page (Contact form & Google maps)

Website Sitemap page

Google XML Sitemap

RSS feeds generator

List of countries page (If activated, SEO supported)

SEO optimized

WebP image format support

Website backup (Admin panel module)

Blacklist (Admin panel module)

Plans/Packages (for Premium Ads)

Front End Listing Submission

Social Networks Login (Facebook, Google)

Protecting the users phone number against crawler

Well commented code.

Ready to use

Easy to use. Only 2 minutes to install it.

and much more..

LaraClassifier is built on Laravel, the most modern, powerful, and secure PHP framework ever created.

Demo :

 Frontend Click Here


Password: 123456        

Admin : Click Here


Password: 123456            

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