Imgbob - Upload And Share Images Platform

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Front End Features:

Upload multiple images free & easy with or without an account

Login & Signup

Social login or signup

Nice user dashboard with all activites

Manage all uploaded images in gallery

Update account information & change password

Back End Features:

Full & Nice admin panel

All website statistics

Manage users ban & unban & view user uploads

Add new admins

Manage all uploads view & delete

Amazon S3

Wasabi S3

Manage Ads

Read & delete messages

Getting notifications if there is new messages

Manage and add new pages

Update website settings

Website Name

Google analytics

Home page heading

Home page descritption

Max file size

One time uploads

Logo & Favicon

Api : Google captcha

Api : Facebook login

Api : Twitter login

Seo : Home title

Seo : Description

Seo : Keywords

Demo :

Link : Click Here

Email :

Password : Admin1234

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