Easy Downloads - Multi Vendor Digital Product Download Marketplace

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User Features

  • Bootstrap based fully responsive design for any device.
  • Cross Browser Support.
  • User Registration System
  • User Login Panel
  • Browse Product by Category, Sub Category or Child Category.
  • Search Product according to price, old and new Products
  • Review Check System.
  • Easy Review Adding System.
  • Purchase by Paypal, Stripe and Instamojo.
  • Rating and Comment System.
  • Author Following System.
  • Level and Badge Showing.
  • User Friendly Cart and Checkout System.
  • Wishlist Feature
  • Complete Descripton Checking System.
  • Return Policy Checking System.
  • Social Sharing System.
  • User Subscription.
  • Attractive frontend design.
  • Built FAQ and Contact Us page.
  • Latest Update and News Section.
  • and much more…

Author Features

  • 100% Dynamic Management System.
  • Author Registration System.
  • Awesome Dashboard with lots of Information.
  • Author Details Update System.
  • Password Change System.
  • Password Recovery System.
  • Unlimited Product Adding System.
  • Multiple Image in Single Product System.
  • Product Edit, Activate/Deactivate System.
  • Refund Management System.
  • View all the Reviews.
  • Order Statement Feature and View Order Details.
  • Ticket Management System.
  • Showing Purchase History with Details.
  • Showing Unapproved Product on Hidden Items.
  • Withdraw Payment by Paypal.
  • Withdraw Payment by Instamojo.
  • Withdraw Payment by Stripe.
  • and much more…

Admin Features

  • Easy Installation.
  • 100% Dynamic Management System.
  • Clean code to understand and modify
  • Multi Language Support.
  • Dashboard statistics.
  • Product Approval System.
  • Author Blocking System.
  • Author Removing Feature.
  • Author Email Sending System.
  • Unlimited Category Adding System.
  • Unlimited Subcategory Adding System.
  • Unlimited Child Category Adding System.
  • Built-in Paypal and Stirpe and Instamojo Integration.
  • Dynamic Customer Review System.
  • Multiple Theme Management System.
  • Multiple Product Page Management System.
  • Author Level and Badge Management Feature.
  • Dynamic Product Resubmission System.
  • Dyanmic Home Page Management Feature.
  • Email Seeting Configuring Feature.
  • Manage Role and Mangae Staff System.
  • Dyanmic Ticket System.
  • Adding Dynamic Page.
  • Payment Gateway and Currency Management System.
  • Multiple Language Management System.
  • Adding and Managing Font.
  • Easy Transaction Details System.
  • Breadcumb and Footer Management Feature.
  • Old Price Showing System.
  • Withdrawl Management System.
  • Dynamic Withdraw Fee and Percentage System.
  • Dynamic Profit Calculation System.
  • Dynamic Blog Post and Category Management System.
  • Subscribed User Export System.
  • Custom meta tag adding system for better SEO results.
  • Google Analytics Adding System.
  • Change Everything such as logo, Site Title, Favico, Footer Address from admin panel.
  • Built in About Us, FAQ and Contact Us page.
  • and much more…


Frontend Demo: https://product.geniusocean.com/digitalmarket/

Admin Demo: https://product.geniusocean.com/digitalmarket/admin/login

Admin Login:
User: admin@gmail.com

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