CryptoExchanger V4.1 – Advanced E-Currency Exchanger And Converter

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Front-End Features (User side)

Bootstrap Responsive Design

Mobile Ready

Multi-language interface

Exchange Orders manager

Account management

Support Tickets

Customer Reviews

News System

Reserve Request Function & email notification

New orders email notifications


2FA Login

Email notifications

Discount System

Affiliate program

Automatic exchange rates

Auto-rate update in order

Operator Panel

Automatic order expiration after XX minutes

Operator status in front-end

Google reCaptcha

Back-End Features (Admin Panel)

Full dashboard statistics with manager

Manage Exchange Gateways

Manage Exchange Directions

Manage Exchange Rates

Manage Exchange Rules

Manage Exchange Orders

Manage Discount System

Manage Users and KYC

Manage Operators and Browse their Activity

Manage Referrals WIthdrawals

Manage Customer Reviews

Manage Support Tickets

Manage News

Manage Pages

Manage FAQ

Templates Manager with Editor

Languages Manager to Add/Edit/Delete languages

SMTP Settings

Web Settings

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