Articart - Digital Products Downloads Shopping Cart

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 Articart is product for artist and author to showcase their work to the world and sell those Digital Goods in Elegant ways. Articart can be used by Photographer, Digital Artist, Musician, Designer, Developer etc. to show and sell them online. But is not limited to Showcase or Shop for your products but using power of Custom Pages, Blogs etc. it can be your whole website.



Built Using Laravel 7 and AngularJS 1.8 Framework

Based on Bootstrap HTML/CSS Framework

Installation Verification functionality

Beautiful Landing Page

Translation Supported you can easily convert it into your own language without touching code.

Responsive Layout

Search Engine Friendly URLs

Ready to Use.

Well documented

Robust Admin Section

Friendly Configuration and Settings which Helps to Articart work as your requirements.

Search Item Functionality

Social Logins Support

Thumbnail & Multiple Preview Options including Image, Video, Audio, YouTube Video, Link and Static Site etc.

Item Rating and Reviews

Item Comments

Item and Category Bookmarks


Custom Pages/Menu items via Admin

Optional Item Sale can be enabled for Particular or for all the Items

Item can be sold as Package or Single or Mix of it

Downloads will be available to user on order completion.

PayPal / Stripe (Card payments) Checkout

Other option for Checkout so it may use for Offline Payments.

Multi-level Unlimited Categories

Item Tags and Tag Cloud

Discount Coupons – Percentage, Flat discount coupons.

Country Based Tax Rules – Percentage and Flat Tax Rules

And many More Features It’s worth to check the demo!!

Server Requirements:

PHP >= 7.2.5

MySQL 5.6

OpenSSL PHP Extension

PDO PHP Extension

Mbstring PHP Extension

Tokenizer PHP Extension

XML PHP Extension

Ctype PHP Extension

JSON PHP Extension

BCMath PHP Extension

Fileinfo PHP Extension

GD Library (>=2.0)


Demo Access:

Frontend: Click Here

Admin Access: Click Here

Admin Login:


Password: demoadmin12

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